June 11, 2024

I Used To Believe...

I Used To Believe...

I Used To Believe...

June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024

I Used To Believe...

I Used To Believe...

Belief, thought, and action helps us learn to ride a bike. Belief, thought, and action help us learn how to work. Belief, thought, and action can lead us to life — abundant life — now and forever!

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I used to believe I was in charge of my career destiny, and God was in charge of my eternal destiny.

I used to believe work was primarily about money and providing for myself and my family.

I used to believe I should look to business leadership experts and my own wisdom for issues at work, and only lean on God for the weightier matters of life — where I knew I needed help.

I used to believe that my contribution to faith should primarily be giving and guiding at my local church: working all I can to make all I can and give all I can, and then use my leadership to sit on committees and boards. I was content to let the more “professionally religious” folks do the ministry work.

I used to believe my faith and work were separate.

Of course, I would not have said these statements aloud or written them down, but my actions and work life demonstrated these beliefs.

One night, after a long business meeting, I was talking with a group of colleagues and clients. The subject of faith and God came up, and one coworker said to me, “Yes, I know you believe in God, but you act just like the rest of us.”

I wanted to push back, but I was quickly convinced that he was more right than wrong. The Holy Spirit used those comments to convict me of my inconsistent selfish actions. My Monday to Friday life did not line up with my confession of faith.

I have believed in God and prayed to Him all of my life. Yet, in much of my business I was living a self-directed life, failing to surrender to the God who loves me and gave His life for me.

A Work In Progress

I am still very much a work in progress. Yet, I know this: Our beliefs determine our thoughts and actions.  

Our thoughts and actions are also inputs into our beliefs. We are all life-long learners, and when we hear the truth, it becomes an input to our beliefs. In the same way, we learn from our experiences.

When our thoughts and actions don’t line up with what we believe to be true, we can start that hard but freeing work of digging deeper into truth, transforming our beliefs and reforming our actions.

Belief, thought, and action helps us learn to ride a bike. Belief, thought, and action help us learn how to work. Belief, thought, and action can lead us to life — abundant life — now and forever!

We don’t have to stay where we are. We are made to grow and mature, no matter our age or stage. God made us to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man — like Jesus. (Luke 2:52)

God uses our strongest beliefs, thoughts, and actions the same way He uses our wrong beliefs, misguided thoughts, worst sins, and mistakes in order to draw us to Himself.

Do you want to grow?

Start With Belief

Riding a bike starts with the belief that you can do it.

Everything starts with belief. This is true for scientists — as much those who believe in the Big Bang theory of evolution as it is for those who believe in a literal seven-day creation.

Belief is the reason every person gets up and goes to work in the morning. They are going to work based on something they believe. It may be logical. It may have been proven with experience, but it starts with belief. See The Way To Work Is Believe”

When we start to doubt our beliefs, or we start to see that our beliefs are leading us in the wrong direction, we need to check the inputs to our belief.

Jesus wants us to know we don’t have to stay where we are. He cried out to tell those who would listen,

“Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” - John 12:44-46

Seek Knowledge To Change

Riding a bike requires knowledge of how it was made, of what it is designed to do (and not do — complete with caution stickers), and of where you are going.

Similarly, work requires knowing the mission and strategy. Being effective at work requires industry subjects matter expertise and knowing how your products and services benefit your customers.

Seeking deeper knowledge and understanding leads to transformation of how we live and work. God has made clear in His word everything we need for an abundant life — now and forever. Our responsibility is to dig deep in the truth He provides in His word and take it personally. Consider these three major truths:

  1. You are made in the image of God. See “Made in the Image of God”

  1. You are made new with a purpose. See “Made New on Purpose”

  1. You are given clear strategy and commands. See Are You Ready?"

Evaluate Actions to Course Correct

Riding a bike requires course correction as you learn to ride and as you continue riding to far places.

Great work requires data-informed decisions - actions - that are tested and optimized as part of a continuous improvement process.

We all require course-correction, both professionally and spiritually. Scripture gives us clear direction to continually take inventory of our beliefs and actions, to realign and renew:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” - Romans 12:2a

God is so gracious to us, He calls us to renew our minds and our actions. He even allows us to test our actions to learn, grow, and discern His will — as we grow to be more like Jesus. Romans 12:2 continues on:

“Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The more we believe, the more we know, the more we should do for the glory of God and the benefit of others.

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” - Luke 12:48

Every decision we make is spiritual and is based on our beliefs. Every action — in every area of our life — at work, neighborhood, church, or home - should be a direct outflow and expression of those beliefs.

Does your work life reflect your beliefs? Or is God issuing you an invitation today to reassess, realign, and renew?

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” - Mark 9:24

This is a perfect prayer and is in response to the challenge Jesus gives, saying:

“Everything is possible for one who believes.” - Mark 9:23

I used to believe I was in charge of my career destiny, and God was in charge of my eternal destiny.

I used to believe work was primarily about money and providing for myself and my family.

I used to believe I should look to business leadership experts and my own wisdom for issues at work, and only lean on God for the weightier matters of life — where I knew I needed help.

I used to believe that my contribution to faith should primarily be giving and guiding at my local church: working all I can to make all I can and give all I can, and then use my leadership to sit on committees and boards. I was content to let the more “professionally religious” folks do the ministry work.

I used to believe my faith and work were separate.

Of course, I would not have said these statements aloud or written them down, but my actions and work life demonstrated these beliefs.

One night, after a long business meeting, I was talking with a group of colleagues and clients. The subject of faith and God came up, and one coworker said to me, “Yes, I know you believe in God, but you act just like the rest of us.”

I wanted to push back, but I was quickly convinced that he was more right than wrong. The Holy Spirit used those comments to convict me of my inconsistent selfish actions. My Monday to Friday life did not line up with my confession of faith.

I have believed in God and prayed to Him all of my life. Yet, in much of my business I was living a self-directed life, failing to surrender to the God who loves me and gave His life for me.

A Work In Progress

I am still very much a work in progress. Yet, I know this: Our beliefs determine our thoughts and actions.  

Our thoughts and actions are also inputs into our beliefs. We are all life-long learners, and when we hear the truth, it becomes an input to our beliefs. In the same way, we learn from our experiences.

When our thoughts and actions don’t line up with what we believe to be true, we can start that hard but freeing work of digging deeper into truth, transforming our beliefs and reforming our actions.

Belief, thought, and action helps us learn to ride a bike. Belief, thought, and action help us learn how to work. Belief, thought, and action can lead us to life — abundant life — now and forever!

We don’t have to stay where we are. We are made to grow and mature, no matter our age or stage. God made us to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man — like Jesus. (Luke 2:52)

God uses our strongest beliefs, thoughts, and actions the same way He uses our wrong beliefs, misguided thoughts, worst sins, and mistakes in order to draw us to Himself.

Do you want to grow?

Start With Belief

Riding a bike starts with the belief that you can do it.

Everything starts with belief. This is true for scientists — as much those who believe in the Big Bang theory of evolution as it is for those who believe in a literal seven-day creation.

Belief is the reason every person gets up and goes to work in the morning. They are going to work based on something they believe. It may be logical. It may have been proven with experience, but it starts with belief. See The Way To Work Is Believe”

When we start to doubt our beliefs, or we start to see that our beliefs are leading us in the wrong direction, we need to check the inputs to our belief.

Jesus wants us to know we don’t have to stay where we are. He cried out to tell those who would listen,

“Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” - John 12:44-46

Seek Knowledge To Change

Riding a bike requires knowledge of how it was made, of what it is designed to do (and not do — complete with caution stickers), and of where you are going.

Similarly, work requires knowing the mission and strategy. Being effective at work requires industry subjects matter expertise and knowing how your products and services benefit your customers.

Seeking deeper knowledge and understanding leads to transformation of how we live and work. God has made clear in His word everything we need for an abundant life — now and forever. Our responsibility is to dig deep in the truth He provides in His word and take it personally. Consider these three major truths:

  1. You are made in the image of God. See “Made in the Image of God”

  1. You are made new with a purpose. See “Made New on Purpose”

  1. You are given clear strategy and commands. See Are You Ready?"

Evaluate Actions to Course Correct

Riding a bike requires course correction as you learn to ride and as you continue riding to far places.

Great work requires data-informed decisions - actions - that are tested and optimized as part of a continuous improvement process.

We all require course-correction, both professionally and spiritually. Scripture gives us clear direction to continually take inventory of our beliefs and actions, to realign and renew:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” - Romans 12:2a

God is so gracious to us, He calls us to renew our minds and our actions. He even allows us to test our actions to learn, grow, and discern His will — as we grow to be more like Jesus. Romans 12:2 continues on:

“Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The more we believe, the more we know, the more we should do for the glory of God and the benefit of others.

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” - Luke 12:48

Every decision we make is spiritual and is based on our beliefs. Every action — in every area of our life — at work, neighborhood, church, or home - should be a direct outflow and expression of those beliefs.

Does your work life reflect your beliefs? Or is God issuing you an invitation today to reassess, realign, and renew?

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” - Mark 9:24

This is a perfect prayer and is in response to the challenge Jesus gives, saying:

“Everything is possible for one who believes.” - Mark 9:23

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