Listen to Lead — Hearing God
In order to become the leader God is calling you to be, you must first learn how to listen — to God and to others. As we listen, we hear what God is asking us to receive, what He is offering us, and how to lead others in the very same way Jesus is leading us.
In order to become the leader God is calling you to be, you must first learn how to listen — to God and to others. The time to become a better listener is now.
How can I write such a bold claim? … Because, this is always true for all of us. I need to listen better, and so do you.
If you are like me, you have at some point said one of these statements to yourself:
- “I just don’t get him.”
- “She is too much of a puzzle for me.”
- “If I knew the right thing to do, I would do it.”
- “If I understood what they needed, I would help them.”
- “If God would just let me know exactly how He wants me to handle this, I will do things His way.”
These are all proof statements for the need to listen.
Through His word, God, in active conversation, is offering us everything that is good for us. As we listen, we hear what God is asking us to receive, what He is offering us, and how to lead others in the very same way Jesus is leading us.
The fruit of listening actively is having the ability to lead the way we were made to lead. We do this by serving others for their current and lasting greatest needs.
Yet, it's wrong to say that only listening to God is enough. God wants us to listen to the people He has given us to lead and serve — this is an act of worship (Romans 12:1), this is loving our neighbor (Luke 10:36), and this is how we love others as Jesus loves us (John 15:17).
Listen to Hear God
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” - [.no-reftag]John 10:27-28[.no-reftag]
The benefits of listening to God are too many to count, but they start and end with assurance. Hearing God gives us the following assurances:
- Assurance that He is God — the Good Shepherd
- Assurance that hearing God means we know we are His
- Assurance we will be His forever — He never lets go!
God gives us His word and prayer so that we will draw close to Him. When we combine reading the Bible with our prayer time, we are communicating with God. Hearing from His perfect word allows the Holy Spirit to speak to our spirit. When we do this regularly, our hearts, minds, and actions are transformed more and more toward God’s will — toward being like Jesus!
The simplest way to read scripture is by reading it slowly. We must consider it carefully and meditate on it; then begin praying to God and talk about everything that is on your heart.
Tim and Kathy Keller recommend an enhanced way to do this in their devotional on Psalms that can include journaling. The following are their suggestions: Read the text slowly, once or twice, and then ask these three questions.

Once you have answered these three questions, you have heard from God. Now, talk with Him about these things. Enjoy being with Him and let him change your heart, mind, and actions.
Listen to Love God
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” - [.no-reftag]John 14:21[.no-reftag]
Love is action. When we hear God, our response is to do what He says. This is our purpose on earth — to give glory to God by loving the people He has given us to love. As we listen to God, we know Him and His holy attributes which are worth all of our adoration. Listening to God also leads us to understand His heart for people and to take His commandments as our mission for life and work.
Video: "How to Communicate with God"
Article: "Knowing God Better in 2023"
Devotional: The Songs of Jesus | Tim & Kathy Keller
Video: "Experiencing Two-Way Communication with God" | Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition
In order to become the leader God is calling you to be, you must first learn how to listen — to God and to others. The time to become a better listener is now.
How can I write such a bold claim? … Because, this is always true for all of us. I need to listen better, and so do you.
If you are like me, you have at some point said one of these statements to yourself:
- “I just don’t get him.”
- “She is too much of a puzzle for me.”
- “If I knew the right thing to do, I would do it.”
- “If I understood what they needed, I would help them.”
- “If God would just let me know exactly how He wants me to handle this, I will do things His way.”
These are all proof statements for the need to listen.
Through His word, God, in active conversation, is offering us everything that is good for us. As we listen, we hear what God is asking us to receive, what He is offering us, and how to lead others in the very same way Jesus is leading us.
The fruit of listening actively is having the ability to lead the way we were made to lead. We do this by serving others for their current and lasting greatest needs.
Yet, it's wrong to say that only listening to God is enough. God wants us to listen to the people He has given us to lead and serve — this is an act of worship (Romans 12:1), this is loving our neighbor (Luke 10:36), and this is how we love others as Jesus loves us (John 15:17).
Listen to Hear God
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” - [.no-reftag]John 10:27-28[.no-reftag]
The benefits of listening to God are too many to count, but they start and end with assurance. Hearing God gives us the following assurances:
- Assurance that He is God — the Good Shepherd
- Assurance that hearing God means we know we are His
- Assurance we will be His forever — He never lets go!
God gives us His word and prayer so that we will draw close to Him. When we combine reading the Bible with our prayer time, we are communicating with God. Hearing from His perfect word allows the Holy Spirit to speak to our spirit. When we do this regularly, our hearts, minds, and actions are transformed more and more toward God’s will — toward being like Jesus!
The simplest way to read scripture is by reading it slowly. We must consider it carefully and meditate on it; then begin praying to God and talk about everything that is on your heart.
Tim and Kathy Keller recommend an enhanced way to do this in their devotional on Psalms that can include journaling. The following are their suggestions: Read the text slowly, once or twice, and then ask these three questions.

Once you have answered these three questions, you have heard from God. Now, talk with Him about these things. Enjoy being with Him and let him change your heart, mind, and actions.
Listen to Love God
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” - [.no-reftag]John 14:21[.no-reftag]
Love is action. When we hear God, our response is to do what He says. This is our purpose on earth — to give glory to God by loving the people He has given us to love. As we listen to God, we know Him and His holy attributes which are worth all of our adoration. Listening to God also leads us to understand His heart for people and to take His commandments as our mission for life and work.
Video: "How to Communicate with God"
Article: "Knowing God Better in 2023"
Devotional: The Songs of Jesus | Tim & Kathy Keller
Video: "Experiencing Two-Way Communication with God" | Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition